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A friend keeps asking me where to buy borax and I always tell him to check the hardware. But also, I tell him to always be careful with it.

Remember to always keep borax away from food. It is quite toxic if ingested. As little as a teaspoonful could possibly kill a small child or make them quite sick, so keep it well out of reach of children.

For others swallowing borax could provoke gastic upsets. Nevertheless it is regarded by Rio Tinto (who manufacture it in California) as having "low acute toxicity". That's what I learned when I asked where can I buy boric acid months ago.

Keep your skin free from harm by wearing rubber gloves. Make sure you wash your hands after using it.

Make sure that you don't inhale it or get it in your eyes - wear protective gear if in doubt. This is important if you are using it outdoors or in draughty conditions.

You should also be careful when using it in place where pets go. One lady who contacted me used it on her carpets regularly and her cat developed serious respiratory difficulties. This could have been a co-incidence but it's something to bear in mind if you are planning to use it for cleaning your carpets. Using it on carpets could also pose a hazard to toddlers and crawling babies.

Wipe up any spills carefully and store it somewhere well out of harms way.

If you use it carefully, borax is a good, effective and environmentally friendly cleaner.

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